• Shortcuts "Enrollment" and "Helpdesk" doesn´t work properly after updated to 6.4.2 versión.

    We upgraded the console from version 6.4.1 to 6.4.2 but we are experiencing issues with enrolling users and querying methods configured for users. Whe want to check a user, but the console shows us the message "Access has been denied." I would greatly…
  • 9443 webconsole fail, How to upgrade 6.4.x ?

    Hi All 2 weeks I meet a TOTP method issue, and the AA Appliance's 9443 webconsole failed. so I use suse_register to register and use zypper to upgrade AA from 6.3.x to , then the TOTP issue seem fix. But Now I find another issue...now my…
  • AAF Windows Client misconfiguration after device gets out of energy

    Hello everyone, I hope someone can help me, When a laptop running this AAF 6.3 client runs out of battery, the config.properties file gets corrupted. We tried to fix it with the update, but the problem still occurs. We have this problem before, but…
  • online update register timeout

    Hi All My AA (Framework had work fine a long period..recently I need check update..But I find my register disappear. so I got a new register code to register.. but then I register it...it always return to type email/ register code…