I recently upgraded my Adv. Auth. test environment to After the upgrade, I can no longer authenticate to the new enrollment portal. I'm using AD as the repository. Login to Admin, Helpdesk, and the legacy enrollment portal all work just fine, but it seems anything that uses the OSP fails, I get this error in the browser:
{"status":"error","errors":[{"location":"server","name":"Internal Server Error","description":"ParseError ERROR: Something went wrong: {\n \"error\":\"server_error\",\n \"error_description\":\"Unexpected error.\",\n \"sub_error\":\"exception\"\n}"}]}
Everything else seems fine, it's just the new enrollment portal that I can no longer login to.
I also see this in the system log:
<13>1 2024-06-27T12:23:39.992Z advauth AA - - - CEF:0|NetIQ|AA||100|User logon started|4|ep=OSP ep_addr= event=Authenticators Management method_name=LDAP_PASSWORD:1 session_id=7a82i1GG0OOYxAcBE6Uy8VAqVe228wFQ tenant_id=def0def0def0def0def0def0def0def0 tenant_name=TOP user_name=AD\\matt p=202
<12>1 2024-06-27T12:23:42.830Z advauth AA - - - CEF:0|NetIQ|AA||101|User was successfully logged on|7|chain_name=LDAP Password Only ep=OSP ep_addr= event=Authenticators Management method_name=LDAP_PASSWORD:1 session_id=7a82i1GG0OOYxAcBE6Uy8VAqVe228wFQ template_owner=AD\\matt tenant_id=def0def0def0def0def0def0def0def0 tenant_name=TOP user_name=AD\\matt p=202
<13>1 2024-06-27T12:23:43.216Z advauth AA - - - CEF:0|NetIQ|AA||2|Request failed|4|dtz=Etc/UTC dvc= dvchost=advauth.milford.weisberg.net dvcpid=181 externalId=7a82i1GG0OOYxAcBE6Uy8VAqVe228wFQ outcome=failure reason={"status": "error", "errors": [{"location": "server", "name": "AuError", "msgid": "AUCORE-1056", "description": "User not found"}], "reason": "USER_NOT_FOUND"} rt=1719505423215
<13>1 2024-06-27T12:23:43.241Z advauth AA - - - CEF:0|NetIQ|AA||2|Request failed|4|dtz=Etc/UTC dvc= dvchost=advauth.milford.weisberg.net dvcpid=175 outcome=failure reason={"status":"error","errors":[{"location":"server","name":"Internal Server Error","description":"ParseError ERROR: Something went wrong: {\\n \\"error\\":\\"server_error\\",\\n \\"error_description\\":\\"Unexpected error.\\",\\n \\"sub_error\\":\\"exception\\"\\n}"}]} rt=1719505423240
It's like the LDAP auth to AD works and then AA cannot find my user for some reason?
Any ideas?
Also, I think my OAuth integration with NAM broke as well, but I haven't tested that throughly yet.