Shortcuts "Enrollment" and "Helpdesk" doesn´t work properly after updated to 6.4.2 versión.

We upgraded the console from version 6.4.1 to 6.4.2 but we are experiencing issues with enrolling users and querying methods configured for users. Whe want to check a user, but the console shows us the message "Access has been denied."

I would greatly appreciate any help you can give me to solve this problem.

  • Suggested Answer


    Hello Jhonnatan,

    Could you please open a ticket with Technical Support about this so they can go through logs and configuration? Also it could be a known issue with the new portal on 6.4.2.x

    Today we have released version 6.4.3 that includes related fixes. Perhaps you could consider upgrading to the latest version.



    Luciano Testa