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Customizing Chain Order and Default Chain

Using Access Manager 5.0.4 with the AA Generic class to integrate with Adv. Auth. 6.4.2.  I'm allowing users to enroll multiple methods (Smartphone, FIDO tokens, OTP, etc.) so that they have multiple options to pick from when authenticating.  One thing I don't like is that you cannot change the order of the chains in the selection box, (I thought it was alphabetical, but that doesn't appear to be the case when I just looked), is there any way to control that?

Ideally, I'd like to allow users to prioritize the order themselves.  In other words, say a user enrolls Smartphone, OTP, and FIDO tokens.  I'd like the end user to set preference order they desire.  Pretty sure there is no way to do that, but thought I'd ask here.

Same goes for categories (which I think is a bad name BTW).  I'd like to see that order customizable by the end user too (and please allow us to change "Default" label and stop forcing UPPERCASE on the other category names, looks ridiculous).


  • Suggested Answer


    Hello Matt,

    I do not see a way to customize or change the order of the authenticators. I think it's alphabetical. Can you share a screenshot please?

    In any case, this would me more an Idea for the Ideas Portal than a Discussion. I remember a previous idea requesting the same for the phone app. It would be better to create the idea I think.



    Luciano Testa

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    I don't think it's alphabetical, at least not by the custom names because I changed "FIDO2" to "Hardware Token":

    It appears to be sorting them alphabetically by the original name of the method.

    The categories are even worse:

    I don't know how that is sorting.

    There really needs to be a way to 

    - Define the sort order of the chains

    - Define the default chain

    - Allow the user to select a default chain

    I assume there is no way to do that?

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    I stand somewhat corrected on the chain order.  You can go into the event and, while you cannot re-order the chains in the "Used" column, you can remove them and re-add them in the order you want, like I did below:

    Not exactly intuitive, but it works and allowed me to re-order the chains.

    Still, would be nice to allow the end user to pick a default chain/method in the enrollment portal that always comes up for them.

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    Hello Matt,

    I have to admit I was thinking about a different screen, my apologies. You are right, it is not very flexible.

    The idea in the Ideas Portal so the Product Managers are notified is the way to go now.



    Luciano Testa

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    Hey Matt,

    I'd submitted two Ideas portal enhancement requests a while back that seems to align with some of your own concerns, which you may consider upvoting:

     Overhaul AA's "Categories" aka multi-enrollment per Method into something more intuitive and consumer-friendly 


     Login screens should, per-computer + per-user, remember last Chain used to login/unlock 

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    I just realized, the second one (per-computer + per-user Chains list) was falsely marked as "Delivered" -- about 2 years ago the AA product team made a half-baked attempt to deliver on this request  (only within the Windows Client) but didn't actually implement quite as requested, which led to all sorts of UI/UX issued for them such that they removed the feature rather than invest in correcting/polishing. You may want submit new Idea.

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    I just voted for the first one and asked a bunch of other folks to vote for it as well.
