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Bluetooth eSec in Advanced Authentication - re-register enrolled authenticators?

I have one source telling me that once we update our backend of Advanced Authentication to 6.4.2, any previous bluetooth device enrolled as an authenticator, needs to be re-registered again in the Self Service portal in order to be used as a bluetooth esec authenticator. This concerns Windows clients.

Any thoughts on this?

  • Verified Answer


    Hello Herwin,

    The Bluetooth eSec is a new method, which means that new enrollments are necessary for this new method.  Even if you were using the old Bluetooth method and had enrollments there, Bluetooth eSec is a new method which requires new enrollments.

    Note: By default, the method requires the Bluetooth device to be pair with the workstation. (this was not required with the old method).  The ‘required pairing’ setting can be disabled; however it is not as secure and not recommended.



    Luciano Testa