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F5 Radius integration - Chain selection


I'm involved in a Radius integration with an F5 VPN, and I'm wondering if interactive chain selection by the user is supported during connection.

I saw this message on documentation, but is not exactly what our customer wanted:

May I ask if its possible to select from a dropdown on the F5 connection one of the different chains configured on the RADIUS Event?


  • Verified Answer


    Hello Rodrigo,

    This is not possible. 

    You can do as the documentation you showed us or use the Chain Selection Rule:
    Configure this rule to select a specific chain for authenticating users to the RADIUS client. A chain is
    selected based on the input attribute and condition (regular expression).

    For any other behavior you have to create a request in the Ideas Portal for Product Management to see it.



    Luciano Testa

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    Hi Luciano,

    Thank you for the clarifications.


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    in the radius profile used by the access profile on the F5 you can define a NAS identifier. This can be used to select a RADIUS event and/or chain within AAF.