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Advanced Authentication Rest API creating users

Dear community,

I am trying to create user in local database of AA. I am using AA

In rest documentation I found user creation method with HTTP POST and URL /scim/v2/Users.

Currently I am trying to create users and am getting error 404:

{\"schemas\": [\"urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error\"], \"status\": \"Bad Request\", \"status_code\": 404, \"detail\": \"No qualifying repositories found\"}

The request body I am sending is:

["userName"]=> "VPN-Test-Cajkovski"
["name"]=> {
    ["familyName"]=> "ÄŚajkovski"
    ["givenName"]=> "Test"
    ["formatted"]=> "Test ÄŚajkovski"
["displayName"]=> "Test ÄŚajkovski"
["title"]=> "44765"
["emails"]=> {
["phoneNumbers"]=> {
["login_session_id"]=> "iCbTTfIFspsKCHdWLsXFsBv75MOlZLv3"

I also checked if there is possible to add new SCIM repository, but do not see any option to do it, like it is described in this documentation:

Is there any other option to create users in AA or any other way to create SCIM repository?

With kind regards,

Sebastian Novak

  • Suggested Answer


    Hello Sebastian,

    The documentation states that: IMPORTANT:The SCIM managed repository is applicable only for Advanced Authentication as a Service (SaaS).

    So it will not be available in the appliance.

    As far as I know you can't create users via the API.



    Luciano Testa

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    Dear Luciano,

    thank you for this response. Currently we have a client that is migrating from a competitive product to AA and has all of users in a CSV file. Is there any option to import these users to local Advanced Authentication repository of CSV or maybe manually push them directly to AA PostgreSQL?

    With kind regards,

    Sebastian Novak

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    Hello Sebastian,

    But why do you want to add these users to the Local Repository? Are these users going to be any kind of admins?

    The purpose of AAF is not to create users, that'd why you need to set up external LDAP repositories. Can the customer add these users to a AD or eDir or any other directory?

    What was the role of these users in the previous product?



    Luciano Testa

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    Dear Luciano,

    the client does not posses any other LDAP or AD repositories and would like not to setup new one if possible - that is whz we would like to provision users in local user store of AA.

    These users are normal users that are connecting to vpn via radius.

    With kind regards,

    Sebastian Novak