Dear community,
I am trying to create user in local database of AA. I am using AA
In rest documentation I found user creation method with HTTP POST and URL /scim/v2/Users.
Currently I am trying to create users and am getting error 404:
{\"schemas\": [\"urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error\"], \"status\": \"Bad Request\", \"status_code\": 404, \"detail\": \"No qualifying repositories found\"}
The request body I am sending is:
["userName"]=> "VPN-Test-Cajkovski"
["name"]=> {
["familyName"]=> "ÄŚajkovski"
["givenName"]=> "Test"
["formatted"]=> "Test ÄŚajkovski"
["displayName"]=> "Test ÄŚajkovski"
["title"]=> "44765"
["emails"]=> {
["phoneNumbers"]=> {
["login_session_id"]=> "iCbTTfIFspsKCHdWLsXFsBv75MOlZLv3"
I also checked if there is possible to add new SCIM repository, but do not see any option to do it, like it is described in this documentation:
Is there any other option to create users in AA or any other way to create SCIM repository?
With kind regards,
Sebastian Novak