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LDAP User Import return 0 users


I'm new to Advanced Authentication Server. For a customer who uses Filr since a few years, we need to implement MFA.

So i want to use Advanced Authentication Server. Install was run fine, but i'm not able to import users.
LDAP is funtioning, but the result show as follos:

 full synchronization ; Users have been processed 26, updated 0, and removed 0 ; Groups have been processed 12, updated 1, and removed 0

If i search groups to select for chain, it will find it.
We use AD as Repository, the same as for Filr. Are there some needed attributes or group memberships?

Thanks for help


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    Hell René, 

    Can you please explain exactly what it means to not import users? Are you seeing any errors?

    What is that you expect the application to do at this stage?



    Luciano Testa

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    This is what i see in the AD Repository:

    Enrolled users: 0, users: 0

    I thought I should see here all the users I imported from AD, as it is the case in the filr.

    Or am I interpreting this wrong?

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    I think you may be interpreting this wrong. Can you grab an user and enroll it?

    The rest of he integration works fine?



    Luciano Testa

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    ok, I will finishing this steps with the youtube video from Robin und give feedback here.


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    Hi Lucian

    First Setup works with e-Mail Token.
    I will also config the OTP Token to work with Google or NetQ Authenticator over the weekend

    I hope that I can also still manage this

