For me updating the Access Gateway Appliances over HTTP or FTP is a bit of a hassle. Usually I am at a customer and getting access to an FTP or HTTP host is almost impossible. So normally I install vsftp on an IDP, ssh the LAG updates to the IDP and then FTP to the LAG. But this method has its own problems so I decided to use the tomcat instance that is installed on the IDP as the HTTP host.
So here is how to use the tomcat instance on the IDP to update the LAG.
Copy the LAG update to /var/opt/novell/tomcat5/webapps/nidp/
Rename the update to lagrpms.tar.gz
On the LAG run /chroot/lag/opt/novell/bin/
Provide the IDP host name
The update path would be /nidp/lagrpms.tar.gz
Note If you are not using iptables to redirect traffic from port 80 to 8080 you must specify this when specifying the hostname as part of the upgrade script. i.e. idp:8080/nidp/lagrpms.tar.gz