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ADAM/ADLDS Installation - GPO and Groups

We are using SecureLogin 9.1.0 with an ADLDS/ADAM instance and we want to use groups or GPO to distribute applications to users.

The documentation is a little bit confusing for me since there are mixed signals what is possible and what not.

Does anyone have an example on how to use GPOs (or groups) with an ADAM/ADLDS instance installation? In the documentation I can only find examples for GPO usage with AD.



  • Verified Answer



    If you want to drive the configuration via GPOs first you need to install the GPO feature with NSL. Also you will need to install on the admin workstation gpmc + the NSL feature "active directory GPO edit". Feel free to open a new case with support for further details.


  • 0   in reply to   

    Hello Yoann,

    thank you for your answer! I already solved it, your answer was the correct one. I needed to install the GPO Edit Feature via Powershell and then I could edit those GPOs Slight smile



  • 0   in reply to   

    Hello Yoann,

    thank you for your answer! I already solved it, your answer was the correct one. I needed to install the GPO Edit Feature via Powershell and then I could edit those GPOs Slight smile



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