Summary Some proxied web sites receive the error "Invalid server response received, your session may have time out." when both Access Gateway nodes are enabled. The proxied web sites work correctly when only one cluster node is in use.
Products Access…
Summary Upgrading from Access Manager 4.5 to 5.0.2 loses IDP and SP information from the brokering group. They need to be added back manually after the upgrade.
Products Access Manager (NAM) Environment Access Manager 4.5 upgrading to 5.0.2
Summary Read Support Article to learn how to obtain mirror credentials needed by products like Access Manager and most appliances for system updates.
Products Access Manager (NAM) 5.0 Access Manager (NAM) 4.5
Read Full Support Article here.
URL Name KM000003928
Products Access Manager (NAM)
Environment Access Manager 4.4 Access Manager 4.5
Situation When accessing the Access Manager administration console, the following error is sometimes seen - "The time is not synchronized between…