• Want to copy the all resources or one proxy service to other environment

    Hi, I have Access Manager in two environments and I want to copy all the protected resources of reverse proxy or one proxy service from NAM 4.5 to another environment of NAM 5.0. Is there any way to do this?
  • Delegate my access to another user - Proxy user

    Dear folks, Wish you all a very happy new year! I'm the product manager for NetIQ Access Manager. Prior to the product management role, I've been with access manager engineering for more than a decade. Today, NetIQ Access Manager provides impersonation…
  • Impact on access manager for certificate renewing in IDM

    Organization root tree CA certificate and server certificates has been renewed, is there would be any impact on access manager? Should we need to import any certificate on access manager admin console? Actually we don't know what are the certificates…
  • White Paper: How big should your B2C IAM Environment be?

    Implementing an access management system that provides services to the public presents many challenges that differ from typical enterprise implementations. Chief among these are issues of scale. Download white paper here [/URL]