version - 2FA from NAM with AA broken


I have NAM 5.0.4 configured with AA for 2FA. In NAM I created a method called AAF-method. This method has the Advanced Authentication Chain called NAMchain. And this chain is also avalable in AA. So all webservices and SAML authentications can use the 2FA. This worked for version But after upgrading AA to the chain is not recognized anymore. Resulting in a message 'no available authentication chains' from AA.

I have no idea what has done this. Any clues?

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    Hello Jan,

    I can only think of and OU losing its associated chain. If is still associated, can you remove it and add it again?

    Also, does this happen if the log level is set to debug? If the enrollment portal is set to English, does it happen too?



    Luciano Testa