I have installed the AAF Windows client on my client and now I would like to connect to a server using mstsc.exe (RDP). Here I have the problem that the AAF Windows client requests the user credentialsi n the context of the event on my client. This leads to the problem that as soon as I log on to a server with a user who has no chain assigned, the login is not possible. If I use a local account, I have to enter the password twice, once in the AAF Widnows client and in the Windows login when the RDP session starts.
My question would be, can I use the normal Windows Credential Provider with the mstsc.exe. In other words, can I deactivate the AAF Windows client or set it so that authentication is not carried out in the context of the event?
How do you do this if you connect via RDP tp a server, that does not need MFA?