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AA LB integration

I'm having problems while LB configuration for AA.

I have configured the 4 servers(1 Global master, 1 DB server and 2 Web servers) as per Enterprise Architecture With A Load Balancer. But confused how to configured the LB for AA because there are no proper steps mentioned in the documentation.

Should i map all the 4 server with the VIP IP/DNS or only 2 web servers need to be mapped with VIP IP ?

is there any configuration need to be done in AA for LB configuration ?

is there any LB SSL(LB DNS) certificate import is required in AA ?

  • Verified Answer


    Hello Bhabani,

    It really depends on what you want to achieve, but basically the LB is responsible for the configuration, not so much AAF.

    Based on your question, it seems you should map only the 2 Web Server, and there is no further configuration to be done on the AAF side of things.

    No certificate import either.

    Let us know if this works for you or you need further help.



    Luciano Testa

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    Hi Luciano,

    Thank you for your helpful suggestion and it really helps me regarding the query.

    I have configured in lower environment for understanding and it works fine. also i am trying to integrate AA with NAM using plugin approach.

    so should i use same LB DNS for integration with NAM ?



  • Suggested Answer

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    Hello Bhabani,

    Yes, please use the LB DNS for the integration for NAM.



    Luciano Testa