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Problems with categories and Smartphone method

AA 6.4.2

We have defined two additional categories so that we have "Default", "2-ZWEITGERÄT", "3-DRITTGERÄT". If a user enrolls to smartphones of the same OS (iOS or Android), only the second one works. If the user chooses the first one, no accept request is sent to the app and the user gets back to entering the username.

We found these combinations working/not working:

  • iOS1, iOS2 - iOS1 not working, iOS2 working
  • Android1, Android2 - Android1 not working, Android2 working
  • iOS, Android - both are working
  • Android, iOS1, iOS2 - Android not working, both iOS are working
  • iOS1, iOS2, Android - iOS1 not working, iOS2 and Android working
  • iOS1, Android, iOS2 - all three are working

It seems that as soon as 2 similar systems are defined in two consecutive categories, the device in the standard category does not work.

Is this a known problem? Is there an explanation for this behavior?

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    My advice is to open a ticket with technical support for further investigation.

    Was this working well before?

    It could be due to this, but you are listing a couple of examples where this doesn't seem to apply:

    • You can enroll only one authenticator of one type for each category.

    So better to have this checked by TS.



    Luciano Testa