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AA login page with placeholder text displayed is Misleading

Anyone experience the similar user interface issue that causing user confuse to provide the correct username in AA login page? 

In my Production deployment, the username here that want user to keyin in their email login id. But this page by default having a placeholder with REPOSITORY/user. 

Report this to support team but the feedback that this is not possible to remove by configuration in AA, it definitely need code change. 

Because of this simple issue, i receive a lot of support ticket reporting login issue.  

  • Suggested Answer



    Do you have the support ticket so I can take a look?

    Also, the fields clearly says REPOSITOY\user, not email. 

    What would be the preferred form to avoid users confusion?



    Luciano Testa

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    Yes.. this is the support ticket to MF customer portal 02424818

    in our implementation, the loginid itself is email address, we not need to specific the REPOSITORY\ . what i am looking at is just a simple change of the input field do no indicate it as "REPOSITORY\user". 

  • 0 in reply to   

    Yes.. this is the support ticket to MF customer portal 02424818

    in our implementation, the loginid itself is email address, we not need to specific the REPOSITORY\ . what i am looking at is just a simple change of the input field do no indicate it as "REPOSITORY\user". 
