CPU Usage by RM/COBOL Program

I have a question on RM/COBOL program(s) and its relation to CPU usage. 

I have around 10 Cobol programs use to run for long on Linux machine.

Linux machine has 8 CPUs. I noticed all programs is trying to use 1-2 CPU while other remain unutilized. Programs are running slow.

Is there way to optimized CPUs usage so that 1 RM/COBOL program run per CPU?  


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    I have seen this behavior as well. But I have a per core license so I figured that was the issue. What I do know is that the Runtime executable runs the COBOL programs. They do not run on their own even though they are complied. RM/COBOL itself is not really multi threaded. But I think that even to get different programs to run on different cores you would have to get 2 instances of the runtime going at the same time.

    In my experience the second core is actually doing the network comms related to the COBOL program that is running rather than it using 2 cores.

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    I have seen this behavior as well. But I have a per core license so I figured that was the issue. What I do know is that the Runtime executable runs the COBOL programs. They do not run on their own even though they are complied. RM/COBOL itself is not really multi threaded. But I think that even to get different programs to run on different cores you would have to get 2 instances of the runtime going at the same time.

    In my experience the second core is actually doing the network comms related to the COBOL program that is running rather than it using 2 cores.

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