• excel 365 32bit VBA to Rumba 10.1

    Greetings! I am a beginner here. I have searched the website best I can, but I have not found anything as specific as I really need it. I'm not certain which references I need to check off to make a connection, and I'm not certain of a good template…
  • Rumba ODBC driver on Windows 10

    For the last couple years I've been using the Rumba ODBC driver to allow an application I wrote to receive and send data to our AS/400 over an ODBC connection. I recently wiped my computer and did a fresh install of Windows 10 (I was previously on 7)…
  • Rumba and Windows 10

    Our company is running Rumba 9.0 on an AS400 and is moving to Windows 10. The initial research by a co-worker showed that Rumba 9. isn't compatible and there isn't a solution yet that works on Windows 10. That doesn't sound right. Can anyone give light…