• DBCS for Rumba+

    how to set configuration for Rumba+ to display MAP with DBCS
  • excel 365 32bit VBA to Rumba 10.1

    Greetings! I am a beginner here. I have searched the website best I can, but I have not found anything as specific as I really need it. I'm not certain which references I need to check off to make a connection, and I'm not certain of a good template…
  • ObjectX Mainframe Display control missing in Excel 365 64 bit

    Hello, I am using Rumba+Desktop 10.1 on windows 64 bit pc with Excel 365 64 bit. I am trying to add a Mainframe emulator using Insert on "Developer" tab on Excel but the control "ObjectX Mainframe Display control" is not available(which is available…