• excel 365 32bit VBA to Rumba 10.1

    Greetings! I am a beginner here. I have searched the website best I can, but I have not found anything as specific as I really need it. I'm not certain which references I need to check off to make a connection, and I'm not certain of a good template…
  • Copy data from reflection screen to excel sheet

    Hello Team, Good day! I need help with refelection - excel vba macros automation. In our project we want to navigate to specific screen in reflection workspace application and copy all the needed data from that screen to excel sheet by using excel…
  • Updating Excel VBA Attachmate Extra macros to Reflection Desktop

    Hello. I have developed numerous Excel VBA macros in Windows 10 that read and write data between an Excel workbook and a 3270 terminal opened with Attachmate Extra. I've been forced to upgrade to Reflection and now need to update all these macros. With…
  • Excel 2010 VBA 7 Macro on 2008 R2 Citrix - Cannot Lock Memory

    This is merely a theory at this point but I have a scenario where the customer switched from Reflections to Rumba and give a set of instructions to open Reflection session, select Macro, Visual Basic Editor, Open each module, class, and form file in Reflection…
  • RE: Sample Excel Macro code for Rumba WebToHost Pro client

    We were using Seagull and BlueZone in my last account to connect to mainframe and we use the below vba or excel macro code to automate it Rem===Create Bluezone Object=== Set g_objBlueZone = CreateObject("Bzwhll.Whllobj") Rem===Create Session===…
  • Sample Excel Macro code for Rumba WebToHost Pro client

    Hi All, I want to connect and work with Rumba WebToHost Pro client using excel macros, i.e. I want to enter values, send keys like Escape or Enter or F4 keys and also read values from mainframe screen using excel macro(vba). Vendor: NetManage …
  • VBA macro to connect Excel and Rumba

    Hello - My organization uses Rumba version 7.5.1 and i am trying to write a VBA macro to connect Microsft Excel to Rumba so that i can copy/paste information to/from Excel and rumba. Here is the code i used - Private Declare Function WD_ConnectPS Lib…