• excel 365 32bit VBA to Rumba 10.1

    Greetings! I am a beginner here. I have searched the website best I can, but I have not found anything as specific as I really need it. I'm not certain which references I need to check off to make a connection, and I'm not certain of a good template…
  • Using Python to interface with Rumba

    I've been using Ehlapi32.DLL to interface with Rumba through VBA. I'd like to try using Python to interface with Rumba. When I try to load this DLL through Python, it throws an error because from what I understand it's expecting a 64-bit DLL file. Does…
  • Can not create Application with Reflection API in Visual Studio VB.NET

    Hi, I can't get my project going. I can not get handle on the Application object to manipulate the terminal. The MyReflection.CreateApplication method throws: System.ApplicationException: 'Can not create the Application. Please check the API settings…
  • RE: Rumba: API Menu is not active

    Hi Andre, The API feature is installed, I had checked the 'Complete Install' option during the initial setup. I tried running the display session with Win95 and Win 98/ Windows ME compatibility modes, but the application wouldn't load in either mode…
  • Rumba: API Menu is not active

    I am running an older version of Rumba, version 7.1.0. I am wanting to execute scripts, both internally and externally via an API. However, I am unable to launch the API dialog (Options/API) from inside Rumba. When I click the Options/API menu item, nothing…
  • To Run Rumba Macro in Excel VBA

    I want to execute 4 Rumba macros one by one using Excel VBA programming using ehlapi32 dll. I have come to know that there is WD_RunMacro function available to run macros of Rumba. The first parameter I passed as Window Handle and 2nd as Rumba Macro file…
  • Excel 2010 VBA 7 Macro on 2008 R2 Citrix - Cannot Lock Memory

    This is merely a theory at this point but I have a scenario where the customer switched from Reflections to Rumba and give a set of instructions to open Reflection session, select Macro, Visual Basic Editor, Open each module, class, and form file in Reflection…
  • RE: Sample Excel Macro code for Rumba WebToHost Pro client

    We were using Seagull and BlueZone in my last account to connect to mainframe and we use the below vba or excel macro code to automate it Rem===Create Bluezone Object=== Set g_objBlueZone = CreateObject("Bzwhll.Whllobj") Rem===Create Session===…
  • Sample Excel Macro code for Rumba WebToHost Pro client

    Hi All, I want to connect and work with Rumba WebToHost Pro client using excel macros, i.e. I want to enter values, send keys like Escape or Enter or F4 keys and also read values from mainframe screen using excel macro(vba). Vendor: NetManage …
  • DDE API Calls

    I am looking for a complete call list and definitions for DDE API calls for Rumba. The following I have and some notes and the Last two items I don't know how to use. And any/all other DDE commands that are available. ("CopyBlock(StartPosition,EndPosition…