• MVSER0031S "ABC1" is not a valid subsystem id

    HI, I have same issue but my issue still persists even if i changed the XA name to DSN name. Any help here. Micro Focus ESMVS/TSO Version 7.0.000. Copyright (C) Micro Focus 1997-2021. All rights reserved. DSN SYSTEM(ABC1) RUN PROGRAM(PGM1) PLAN…
  • Load Error on JCL execution

    Hi Team, I am executing IKJEFT01 utility to run COBOL -Db2 program but i am getting below mentioned error. Could you please help me here with your expert inputs. Thanks Micro Focus ESMVS/TSO Version 7.0.000. Copyright (C) Micro Focus 1997-2021. All…
  • Not able to connect to localhost:10086

    Hi I am using Enterprise Developer 7.0. I could not connect to localhost:10086 to launch ESCWA.I could see ESCWA in my services not running and it won't start either. Install/Uninstall/restart is not helping as well. Would be grateful of any assistance…
  • DSQQMFE utility

    I have installed QMF in AWS machine. Existing application uses QMF utility DSQQMFE in batch jobs to generate reports in mainframe. Need to replicate same thing in AWS after migration happens. So, QMF already is installed. But we need to integrate QMF…
  • Exception on right-click in Cobol perspective in MFED rel 7

    Installed Micro Focus Enterprise Developer rel 7 with PU8. To have latest rel of eGit I used update software from Eclipse. Also had to update IDE from 4.16 to 4.23. When right-cliked I get a exception. Any suggestion how to solve this issue? eclipse…
  • Fix for MFED JCL debugger in Enterprise server the COBOL module breakpoints not working the code is bypassing all the preassigned breakpoints.

    I am using MFED for Eclipse - Enterprise Developer 3.0 Version: 3.0.00494. There is an issue in the Enterprise Debugger for both CICS and JCL , when set with breakpoints in COBOL modules. The debugger doesn't stop on any of the breakpoints and runs…
  • MG0012: Wrong product during authorization for Visual COBOL 2.3

    I tried to get a license in the "Manual" way for Visual COBO 2.3. Sending the e-mail from within the Visual COBOL eclipse resulted in a answer e-mail stating MG0012: Wrong product Could you give a hint what to do to avoid that error. I tried twice…
  • Project Description Error

    Hi all I am a beginner in MicroFocus Enterprise Developer for Windows (Eclipse Edition) . My intention is to create a remote mainframe project in zLinux from Windows Eclipse IDE . I am using NFS for the remote connection and have mounted Linux root…