When enabling staging versions one can give a freeform text after each change of a component.
We have customised Changeman in such a way that this freeform text has a standard naming convention, using HLLX exits BULD00XC, BULD01XC, CKOT00XM and CKOT01XM.
The label will look like
nnn-FNC(APPLnnnnnn-vvv) opt. text
Where nnn is a sequence number incremented after each change
FNC : a functional ID : PKG = Checkout from package
BAS = Checkout from baseline
PRM = Checkout from a promotion dataset
EDT = a version created after editing he component
APPLnnnnnn : the package from where was checked out
if checkout from baseline this will be the package that baselined the last changed version (not recompile)
vvv : the version of the component in that package
opt. tex : in case of a Baseline checkout (Base nn)
in case of a checkout from a promotion dataset : Lvl nn
At checkin or checkout time, these labels are also stored in a DB2 table
the version number is also added in the SETSSI, this is then handy when debugging a component in a test environment
I was wondering if people would like to see this feature as a standard part of ZMF ?