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Vanilla Tomcat for zOS version available with ChangeMan ZMF v8 r2 patch 07


How do I know which version of Apache Tomcat for zOS is included with the ChangeMan ZMF Rest Services v8.r2 patch 07 installation?

I know the vanilla Tomcat 8.5.6 distribution is included in ChangeMan ZMF Rest Services v8 r2 patch 04 and patch 05 and I would like to confirm if is the same version for v8 r2 patch 07 or it’s a version a newer version.




Changeman ZMF
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    Hi Manuel,

    Yes, the same version, 8.5.6, is distributed with the ChangeMan ZMF 8.2 Patch 7 release.

    Best regards,


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    Please, let me one last question.

    If I/prospect/customer decide to install a higher version of Tomcat (Vanilla Tomcat 9.0.37) for zOS instead of the Tomcat version (8.5.6) included in the ChangeMan ZMF v8 r2 patch xx product,

    Could there be a problem with the ChangeMan ZMF REST Service component working properly?

    I mean, zmfrest-restclient component could work without problem with tomcat 9.0.37, but if there is any problem using ZMF REST Service , can I report to MF Support any question related to this problem?

    I can understand that developers of the ChangeMan ZMF product have verified the proper behavior and operation of the ZMF REST Service component with Tomcat version 8.5.6 but not with Tomcat version 9.0.37

    I make these observations because many bugs have been fixed from the previous version (8.5.6) to this latest version (9.0.37)



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    Hi Manuel,

    Technically we do not anticipate any problems running our web-based applications on Tomcat 9.0.37 resident on z/OS. However, as you correctly mention, this has not been tested and should problems be encountered running on that level of Tomcat you would need to revert to an 8.5.6 version before we could assist.

    We must stress that the same is NOT currently true for later versions of Tomcat, i.e. 10.x and 11.x at time of writing. Many APIs were deprecated or renamed in those releases of Tomcat and the current versions of our ZMF web applications will not run out-of-the-box in such environments.

    I hope that helps and please let us know if you have any further questions.

    Best regards,


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    Hello Steve,

    I'll keep it in mind. 

    Thank you



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