• Looking for a creative solution - AcuToWeb?

    We have what is probably a short term problem - but it's a BIG problem. We have a graphical application coded in AcuCobol (oops - Extend - showing my age there!). It launches automatically when the Windows system starts. This is important. And the…
  • AcuToWeb Help - Connection URL Syntax Explained - Verification

    I am trying to pass an argument to my AcuToWeb probram using the following link: I am sending out hundreds of emails and I have an UNSUBSCRIBE program that I want to launch if the email recipient so desires. The program launches…
  • MODIFY WINDOW-HANDLE to designate an EVENT PROCEDURE in a called Subroutine

    I am trying to display a pop-up menu on a grid for a program executing on Acu-To-Web I managed to get it working, and actually identify what grid row it was clicked on. It seems that you have to define the Pop-Up before displaying the original Floating…
  • Pop-Menu on grids executing on Acu-To-Web

    Looks like grid events MSG-GRID-RBUTTON-DOWN and MSG-GRID-RBUTTON-UP events are not supported. and looks like MSG-INIT-MENU and MSG-MENU-INPUT can't be serviced by the grid's Event Handler Is there a way to get a pop-up displayed, on a particular…
  • Having a couple of problems with AcuToWeb

    Hi, I tried AcuToWeb 10.1 a couple of years ago and had several problems that couldn't be resolved. I just recently tried version 10.2 and was very impressed with the progress. The scroll bars now show up where they are needed and the visual aspects…
  • acutoweb "access denied"

    We are testing "acutoweb". The service for acutoweb and acuconnect isr running. When we start the connection in the browser with the connection-setup-screen is showing, bat wehn we try the connection to the sample "tour.acu" an error…
  • AcuToWeb State

    For AcuToWeb, we can check the status of gateway and I am curious for the state. ------- UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD root 1245 1 0 14:49 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash Python2.7/py Name: python Umask: 0022 State: S (sleeping) ----------- For the state…
  • AcuToWeb ~ Performance in Web Browser

    Good day everyone, AcuToWeb technology is awesome! It could just setup and deploy directly with a connection gateway will point to the alias which defined at server side without any code change. The problem comes when the performance across network LAN…
  • AcuToWeb Licensing

    Good day, I am setting up a Multi-tier environment for AcuToWeb where the HP-UX Server (Back-End), installed running with [ AcuCobol-GT runtime AcuConnect ] currently. Linux Apache Server (Web Server), installed running [Apache, Acu-To-Web ] currently…
  • AcuToWeb Web Display

    Good day, I just setup and run developed application on server side running AcuConnet and pointed via an application server running the AcuToWeb gateway with the active alias setup in server side. Well, the display inside the browser is different from…