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Can not connect to MS SQL Server

I am trying to connect with MS SQL Server using acuSql but I get:

01 servername pic x(30) value "(LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB".

01 userid         pic x(20) value "PCANDRE\andre".

EXEC SQL CONNECT TO :servername as C1
USER :userid USING :passwd

also tried withoud userid.

Configuration: ACUSQL_RUNTIME_DLL asqlsrvr.dll

However this works: sqlcmd -S (LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB

  • 0

    In working-storage is your passwd field something like this:

    01 passwd.
    49 passwd-length PIC s9(4) comp-5 value 0.
    49 passwd-name PIC x(18).

    SW Engineering(QA)  

    Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
    If you found this post useful, give it a “Like” or click on "Verify Answer" under the "More" button

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    Yes I am using the sample program from MF.

  • Suggested Answer

    0   in reply to 

    To use Windows authentication when connecting to SQL Server with AcuSQL, omit the USER and USING phrases.


    Martin Turner

    Senior Technical Support Engineer

    Rocket Software

  • 0 in reply to   

    I also tried that but no result.

  • 0   in reply to 

    What does a trace show? -


    Martin Turner

    Senior Technical Support Engineer

    Rocket Software

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    My compile command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\extend 10.4.1\AcuGT\bin\ccbl32"  -Ps -Pk MSSQL testsql.cbl

    Runtime version 10.4.1
    Data Execution Prevention is Enabled
    Configuration file = 'sd.ini'
    Set parameter 'ACUSQL_RUNTIME_DLL' to 'asqlsrvr.dll'
    Set parameter 'FILE_PREFIX' to 'C:\asof\data\Mdk'
    Set parameter 'CODE_PREFIX' to 'C:\Asof\objects'
    Set parameter 'CODE_SUFFIX' to 'ACO'
    Try loading 'C:\Asof\objects\testsql.ACO'...
    C:\Asof\objects\testsql.ACO loaded
    20:03:04.172000 ESQL_Initialize
    20:03:04.172000 Leaving
    20:03:04.172000 ESQL_CBL_Dispatch
    20:03:04.172000  sql_start
    20:03:04.172000   name: SQL$START
    20:03:04.172000   nargs: 0
    20:03:04.172000   Arguments:
    20:03:04.172000   initial: 0
    20:03:04.172000  Leaving, sqlca reset
    20:03:04.172000 Leaving
    20:03:04.172000 ESQL_CBL_Dispatch
    20:03:04.172000  sql_connect
    20:03:04.172000   name: SQL$CONNECT
    20:03:04.172000   nargs: 2
    20:03:04.172000   Arguments:
    20:03:04.172000   Arg 0: Addr: 0317F1D0, length: 38, type: 16, digits: 0, scale: 0
    20:03:04.172000 (0) >>>  284c 6f63 616c 4462    295c 4d53 5351 4c4c    (LocalDb )\MSSQLL
    20:03:04.172000 (0) >>>  6f63 616c 4442 2020    2020 2020 2020 2020    ocalDB           
    20:03:04.172000 (0) >>>  2020 2020 2020                                      
    20:03:04.172000   Arg 1: Addr: 00770604, length: 2, type: 16, digits: 0, scale: 0
    20:03:04.172000 (1) >>>  4331                                          C1
    20:03:04.172000   initial: 0
    20:03:04.172000   server: '(LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB', connection name: 'C1'
    20:03:20.862000   report_error called from 2105
    20:03:20.862000    [1] 08001 17
    20:03:20.862000  - [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]De SQL Server bestaat niet of de toegang tot de server is geweigerd.
    20:03:20.862000    [2] 01000 53
    20:03:20.862000  - [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).
    20:03:20.862000   No more messages
    20:03:20.862000   commit_or_rollback_transaction: 0
    20:03:20.862000    report_error called from 1616
    20:03:20.865000     [1] 08003 0
    20:03:20.865000  - [Microsoft][ODBC-stuurprogrammabeheer] De verbinding is niet geopend
    20:03:20.865000    No more messages
    20:03:20.865000   Leaving
    20:03:20.866000  Leaving
    20:03:20.873000  ESQL_CBL_Dispatch
    20:03:20.873000   sql_start
    20:03:20.873000    name: SQL$START
    20:03:20.873000    nargs: 0
    20:03:20.873000    Arguments:
    20:03:20.873000    initial: 0
    20:03:20.873000   Leaving, sqlca reset
    20:03:20.873000  Leaving
    20:03:20.873000  ESQL_CBL_Dispatch
    20:03:20.873000   sql_disconnect_all
    20:03:20.873000    name: SQL$DISCONNECTALL
    20:03:20.873000    nargs: 0
    20:03:20.873000    Arguments:
    20:03:20.873000    initial: 0
    20:03:20.873000   Leaving
    20:03:20.873000  Leaving
    20:03:20.873000  mssql_commit
    20:03:20.873000   Not in a transaction
    20:03:20.873000  Leaving
    20:03:20.891000  mssql_rollback
    20:03:20.891000   Not in a transaction
    20:03:20.891000  Leaving
    20:03:20.891000 transaction system shutdown
    20:03:20.891000  mssql_exit
    20:03:20.891000   Cursors: 0, 0
    20:03:20.891000   A68: 'nil'
    20:03:20.891000   A2
    20:03:20.891000   0 = SQLFreeHandle(1, 027104D0)
    20:03:20.891000  Leaving
    20:03:20.891000 In rmfm_exit
    20:03:20.891000 In rmfm_rexit

  • 0 in reply to 

    I see in the log ODBC SQL Server Driver  - instead of using the servername LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB  can you use ODBC Administrator and set up a DSN using the SQL Server driver, then use that DSN name in your COBOL program.

    SW Engineering(QA)  

    Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
    If you found this post useful, give it a “Like” or click on "Verify Answer" under the "More" button

  • 0 in reply to 

    I see in the log ODBC SQL Server Driver  - instead of using the servername LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB  can you use ODBC Administrator and set up a DSN using the SQL Server driver, then use that DSN name in your COBOL program.

    SW Engineering(QA)  

    Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
    If you found this post useful, give it a “Like” or click on "Verify Answer" under the "More" button

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