/** * @fileoverview AJC.js contains extension functions for use with Novell Identity Manager. * It was ported from the Advanced Java Class from Novell Consulting. Except where otherwise * noted, functions should be compatible with the original Advanced Java Class. * @author Volker Scheuber, Holger Dopp, Nicolas Barcet, Raymon Epping, Juergen Orschiedt, Stephen Holmes, Bivin Baby, et al. Ported to ECMAScript by Shon Vella. */ importPackage(java.io); importPackage(Packages.org.w3c.dom); importClass(Packages.com.novell.xml.util.Base64Codec); importClass(Packages.com.novell.nds.dirxml.driver.XmlDocument); importClass(Packages.com.novell.xml.dom.DOMWriter); importClass(java.util.GregorianCalendar); importClass(java.text.DateFormat); importClass(java.text.SimpleDateFormat); importClass(java.lang.System); // these function like import on single classes under a different name so as not to conflict with // built-in ECMAScript classes var JDate = java.util.Date; // don't hide the built in Date object var JString = java.lang.String; // don't hide the built in String object var daysOfWeek = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]; var lastTime = 0; var sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd kk:mm:ss.SSS"); var pwdExceptionMessage = "Invalid parameters. Password Lengh is less than the sum of min. num of digits and alphabets."; /** * print the argument * * @private * * @param arg the argument * * @type void */ function print(arg) { System.out.print(String(arg)); } /** * print the argument followed by a newline * * @private * * @param arg the argument * * @type void */ function println(arg) { System.out.println(String(arg)); } /** * Get a unique timestring. * * @type String * @return unique timestring in the format YYYY.MM.DD hh:mm:ss.msec */ function getUniqueTimeString() { var currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ( currentTime <= lastTime ) { currentTime = lastTime + 1; } lastTime = currentTime; return sdf.format(new JDate(currentTime)); } /** * Append to a log string. This method has been introduced to handle appending to large strings. * It minimizes the need to work on huge strings in XSLT/XPath. * * @param {String} log existing large string where another string "append" should be * appended to. This string might be Base64 encoded. * @param {String} append the string to be appended to "log". This string should not be * Base64-encoded. * @param {String} delimiter if appending to a log file you can use this parameter to specify * the line break. This helps the shrinking mechanism not to cut off * in the middle of a line. * @param {boolean} b64 Specifies if the "log" input parameter and the result of the method should be * Base64 decoded and encoded. * <i>Note that in the original AJC, this argument was a String that with a value of "true" or "false"</i> * @param {Number} maxsize Specifies the maximum length of the methods result in numbers of * characters or bytes. * * @type String * @return The appended log. */ // Note(sv): Removed debug parameter that was in AJC function appendLog(log, append, delimiter, b64, maxsize) { var appended = ""; // decode before append if (b64) { try { appended = new JString(Base64Codec.decode(log)) + append; } catch (e) { appended = append; } } // append else { appended = log + append; } // free input variables log = null; append = null; // shrink var size = appended.length; var shrinked = ""; if (size > maxsize) { var shrinkby = appended.indexOf(delimiter, size - maxsize) + delimiter.length; if (shrinkby < size - maxsize) shrinkby = size - maxsize; shrinked = appended.substring(shrinkby); } else { shrinked = appended; } // free appended appended = null; // encode and return appended if (b64) { var encoded = new String(Base64Codec.encode(shrinked.getBytes())); return encoded; } // return appended else { return shrinked; } } /** * Return a String value in dependency of the incoming parameters. * * @param {String} oldValue * @param {String} newValue * @param {String} orgValue * @param {String} gcvValue * * @type String * @return 'old-new-org:org', ' -new-org:org', 'old- -org:org', ' -new- :new', 'old- - :old', 'old-new-old:new', 'old- -old:old' */ function checkStringDiff(oldValue, newValue, orgValue, gcvValue) { if (orgValue.length == 0) { if ((oldValue.length == 0) && (newValue.length > 0)) return newValue; if ((oldValue.length > 0) && (newValue.length == 0)) { if (gcvValue.length == 0) { return oldValue; } else { return gcvValue; } } else { return ""; } } else { if ((oldValue.length == 0) && (newValue.length > 0) ) { if(gcvValue.length == 0) { return orgValue; } else { if(orgValue.equalsIgnoreCase(gcvValue)) { return newValue; } else { return orgValue; } } } if ((oldValue.length > 0) && (newValue.length == 0)) { // old- -org- :old if (!orgValue.equalsIgnoreCase(oldValue)) { // return orgValue; return oldValue; } else { if (gcvValue.length == 0) { return oldValue; } else { return gcvValue; } } } else { if (!orgValue.equalsIgnoreCase(oldValue)) { return orgValue; } else { return newValue; } } } } /** * Strip out characters which are not allowed. * * @param {String} input String to strip out characters from. * @param {String} validChars not implemented, yet. * * @type String * @return Clean string. */ function stripChars(input , validChars ) { var output = ""; for(var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { var aChar = input.charCodeAt(i); if ( aChar == 32 || aChar == 45 || aChar == 39 || (aChar >= 65 && aChar <= 90) || (aChar >= 97 && aChar <= 122) || (aChar >= 192 && aChar <= 214) || (aChar >= 216 && aChar <= 246)|| (aChar >= 248 && aChar <= 255)) { output = output + input.charAt(i); } } return output; } /** * Create an DOM document from a serialized XML stream. * * @param {String} xml Serialized XML stream * * @type Document * @return DOM document */ function getDocumentFromString(xml) { var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument("<root>" + xml + "</root>"); return xmlDoc.getDocument(); } /** * Serialize a DOM node. * * @private * @param {Node} node DOM node to serialize * @param {boolean} indent indent the serialized xml * * @type String * @return XML stream * */ function serialize(node, indent) { var sw = new StringWriter(); var dw = new DOMWriter(node, sw); dw.setIndent(Boolean(indent)); dw.write(); var str = sw.toString(); sw.close(); return str; } /** * Serialize a DOM NodeSet into an XML stream. * * @param {Node} nodeset DOM NodeSet to be serialized. * @param {boolean} indent indent the serialized xml * * @type String * @return XML stream */ function getStringFromNodeSet(nodeset, indent) { var str = ""; try { for(var node = nodeset.first(); node != null; node = nodeset.next()) { str += serialize(node, indent); if (indent) { str += '\n'; } } } catch (e) { println(e); } return str; } /** * Read an image from a file and return the content as Base64 encoded string. * * @param {String} imageFileName name of the image (or other binary) file * @param {boolean} wrap wrap the result <i>optional: defaults to false</i> * * @type String * @return Base64 encoded content of the image file */ function readImage(imageFileName, wrap) { var picBase64 = ""; var fis; try { fis = new FileInputStream(imageFileName); var bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); var baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() ; for(var buf = -1; (buf = bis.read()) != -1;) baos.write(buf); fis.close(); baos.flush(); picBase64 = new JString(Base64Codec.encode(baos.toByteArray(), Boolean(wrap))); } catch (ioe) { println(ioe); } finally { if (fis) { fis.close(); } } return picBase64; } /** * Helper function for the roll* functions * * @private * * @param {Number} time base date/time * @param {Number} units number to advance * @param {Number} unitID identifier for unit type * * @type Number * @return adjusted date/time */ function rollTime(time, units, unitID) { try { var calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); calendar.setTime(new JDate(time * 1000)); calendar.add(unitID, units); return "" + Math.round(calendar.getTime().getTime()/1000); // Note(sv): Math.abs() was used in the original AJC code, but that can't be right because the result wouldn't be useful for a negative number } catch (e) { println(e); } return "0"; } /** * Roll forward or backward the amount of days on the given date. * * @param {Number} time time in eDirectory format: seconds since 1.1.1970 * @param {Number} days number of days to roll. * use positive numbers to roll forward, * negative numbers to roll backward. * * @type Number * @return new time */ function rollDays(time, days) { return rollTime(time, days, GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); } /** * Roll forward or backward the amount of hours on the given date. * * @param {Number} time time in eDirectory format: seconds since 1.1.1970 * @param {Number} hours number of hours to roll. * use positive numbers to roll forward, * negative numbers to roll backward. * * @type Number * @return new time */ function rollHours(time, hours) { return rollTime(time, hours, GregorianCalendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); } /** * Roll forward or backward the amount of seconds on the given date. * * @param {Number} time time in eDirectory format: seconds since 1.1.1970 * @param {Number} seconds number of seconds to roll. * use positive numbers to roll forward, * negative numbers to roll backward. * * @type Number * @return new time */ function rollSeconds(time, seconds) { return rollTime(time, seconds, GregorianCalendar.SECOND); } /** * Get the day name of a given date using the System locale. If called with no arguments, then uses todays date. * * @param {String} yyyy year * @param {String} mm month * @param {String} dd day * * @type String * @return the day name */ function dayOfWeek(yyyy, mm, dd) { var todaysDate; if (yyyy) { todaysDate = new GregorianCalendar(Number(yyyy), mm-1, Number(dd)); } else { todaysDate = new GregorianCalendar(); } return daysOfWeek[todaysDate.get(todaysDate.DAY_OF_WEEK)-1]; } /** * Return an XMLheader * * @type String * @return The string <?xml version=\"1.0\"?> */ function getXmlHeader() { return "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"; } /** * Replaces character reference for less than (&amp;lt;) with less than (&lt;). * @param {String} name input string &amp;lt;hallo&gt; * @type String * @return string like &lt;hallo&gt; */ function replaceLeft(name) { return name.replace(/&lt;/g, "<"); } /** * Convert a time string of a custom format into the number of seconds * (UTC time: 0 = 1970-01-01 00:00:00). You may specify the format of the input time string * by constructing your own pattern. Use the following letters to specify the desired format: * * <blockquote> * <table border=0 cellspacing=3 cellpadding=0> * <tr bgcolor="#ccccff"> * <th align=left>Letter * <th align=left>Date or Time Component * <th align=left>Presentation * <th align=left>Examples * <tr> * <td><code>G</code> * <td>Era designator * <td><a href="#text">Text</a> * <td><code>AD</code> * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff"> * <td><code>y</code> * <td>Year * <td><a href="#year">Year</a> * <td><code>1996</code>; <code>96</code> * <tr> * <td><code>M</code> * <td>Month in year * <td><a href="#month">Month</a> * <td><code>July</code>; <code>Jul</code>; <code>07</code> * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff"> * <td><code>w</code> * <td>Week in year * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>27</code> * <tr> * <td><code>W</code> * <td>Week in month * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>2</code> * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff"> * <td><code>D</code> * <td>Day in year * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>189</code> * <tr> * <td><code>d</code> * <td>Day in month * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>10</code> * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff"> * <td><code>F</code> * <td>Day of week in month * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>2</code> * <tr> * <td><code>E</code> * <td>Day in week * <td><a href="#text">Text</a> * <td><code>Tuesday</code>; <code>Tue</code> * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff"> * <td><code>a</code> * <td>Am/pm marker * <td><a href="#text">Text</a> * <td><code>PM</code> * <tr> * <td><code>H</code> * <td>Hour in day (0-23) * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>0</code> * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff"> * <td><code>k</code> * <td>Hour in day (1-24) * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>24</code> * <tr> * <td><code>K</code> * <td>Hour in am/pm (0-11) * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>0</code> * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff"> * <td><code>h</code> * <td>Hour in am/pm (1-12) * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>12</code> * <tr> * <td><code>m</code> * <td>Minute in hour * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>30</code> * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff"> * <td><code>s</code> * <td>Second in minute * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>55</code> * <tr> * <td><code>S</code> * <td>Millisecond * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>978</code> * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff"> * <td><code>z</code> * <td>Time zone * <td><a href="#timezone">General time zone</a> * <td><code>Pacific Standard Time</code>; <code>PST</code>; <code>GMT-08:00</code> * <tr> * <td><code>Z</code> * <td>Time zone * <td><a href="#rfc822timezone">RFC 822 time zone</a> * <td><code>-0800</code> * </table> * </blockquote> * * <p>The pattern: "yyyy-MM-dd kk:mm:ss.SSS" requires a time string like "1973-09-26 01:00:00.000" * and will return something like "117849600".</p> * * @param {String} time time string in the format specified by "pattern". (optional: default = current time) * @param {String} pattern defines how the time string has to look like. (optional: default = "yyyy-MM-dd kk:mm:ss.SSS") * * @type Number * @return number of seconds since UTC 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 for the defined incoming timestring and pattern */ function getSeconds(time, pattern) { if (!time) { return Math.round(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); } if (!pattern) { pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd kk:mm:ss.SSS"; } try { var sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern); var date = sdf.parse(time); return Math.round(date.getTime()/1000); } catch (e) { println(e); } return "0"; } /** * Convert a number of seconds (UTC time: 0 = 1970-01-01 00:00:00) * to a formatted time string. You may specify the format by constructing your own * pattern. Use the following letters to specify the desired format: * * <blockquote> * <table border=0 cellspacing=3 cellpadding=0> * <tr bgcolor="#ccccff"> * <th align=left>Letter * <th align=left>Date or Time Component * <th align=left>Presentation * <th align=left>Examples * <tr> * <td><code>G</code> * <td>Era designator * <td><a href="#text">Text</a> * <td><code>AD</code> * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff"> * <td><code>y</code> * <td>Year * <td><a href="#year">Year</a> * <td><code>1996</code>; <code>96</code> * <tr> * <td><code>M</code> * <td>Month in year * <td><a href="#month">Month</a> * <td><code>July</code>; <code>Jul</code>; <code>07</code> * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff"> * <td><code>w</code> * <td>Week in year * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>27</code> * <tr> * <td><code>W</code> * <td>Week in month * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>2</code> * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff"> * <td><code>D</code> * <td>Day in year * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>189</code> * <tr> * <td><code>d</code> * <td>Day in month * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>10</code> * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff"> * <td><code>F</code> * <td>Day of week in month * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>2</code> * <tr> * <td><code>E</code> * <td>Day in week * <td><a href="#text">Text</a> * <td><code>Tuesday</code>; <code>Tue</code> * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff"> * <td><code>a</code> * <td>Am/pm marker * <td><a href="#text">Text</a> * <td><code>PM</code> * <tr> * <td><code>H</code> * <td>Hour in day (0-23) * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>0</code> * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff"> * <td><code>k</code> * <td>Hour in day (1-24) * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>24</code> * <tr> * <td><code>K</code> * <td>Hour in am/pm (0-11) * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>0</code> * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff"> * <td><code>h</code> * <td>Hour in am/pm (1-12) * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>12</code> * <tr> * <td><code>m</code> * <td>Minute in hour * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>30</code> * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff"> * <td><code>s</code> * <td>Second in minute * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>55</code> * <tr> * <td><code>S</code> * <td>Millisecond * <td><a href="#number">Number</a> * <td><code>978</code> * <tr bgcolor="#eeeeff"> * <td><code>z</code> * <td>Time zone * <td><a href="#timezone">General time zone</a> * <td><code>Pacific Standard Time</code>; <code>PST</code>; <code>GMT-08:00</code> * <tr> * <td><code>Z</code> * <td>Time zone * <td><a href="#rfc822timezone">RFC 822 time zone</a> * <td><code>-0800</code> * </table> * </blockquote> * * <p>The pattern: "yyyy-MM-dd kk:mm:ss.SSS" represents "117849600" seconds as "1973-09-26 01:00:00.000".</p> * * @param {Number} seconds seconds since UTC 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 (default = current time) * @param {String} pattern defines the output format of the time string (default = "yyyy-MM-dd kk:mm:ss.SSS") * * @type String * @return time string formatted using "pattern" */ function getTime(seconds, pattern) { if (!seconds) { seconds = System.currentTimeMillis(); } else { seconds *= 1000; } if (!pattern) { pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd kk:mm:ss.SSS"; } var date = new Date(seconds); var sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern); return sdf.format(date); } /** * Compare two objects numerically. Used as a comparator for sortNumbersAscending. * * @param {Object} x the first object * @param {Object} x the first object * * @type Number * @return 0 if x == y; -1 if x &lt; y; 1 if x > y */ function numericCompare(x, y) { x = Number(x); y = Number(y) if (x < y) { return -1; } else if (x == y) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } /** * Sort a delimited string containing numbers * * @param {String} numbersIn list of numbers to be sorted * @param {String} delimiter string that delimits numbers in numbersIn * * @type String * @return numbersIn sorted ascending */ function sortNumbersAscending(numbersIn, delimiter) { return numbersIn.split(delimiter).sort(numericCompare).join(delimiter); } /* ======================================================================== * This section contains various public methods * ======================================================================== */ /** * Move and/or rename a file * * @param {String} oldname source file name * @param {String} newname destination file name * * @type String * @return status message */ function moveFile(oldname, newname) { try { var ofile = new File(oldname); var nfile = new File(newname); if( nfile.exists() ) { System.err.println( "Error: File already exists:" + newname + ":" ); return( "Error: File already exists:" + newname + ":" ); } if( ofile.renameTo( nfile ) == true ) { System.err.println( "moved file:" + oldname + ": to :" + newname + ":" ); return( "success: File:" + oldname + ": moved to :" + newname + ":" ); } else { System.err.println( "Error: File:" + oldname + ": not moved to :" + newname + ":" ); return( "Error: File:" + oldname + ": not moved to :" + newname + ":" ); } } catch(e) { return String(e); } } /** * Wait for the some period of time. * * @param {Number} interval milliseconds to wait * * @type String * @return error message if wait was interrupted, null otherwise */ function doWait(interval) { try { java.lang.Thread.sleep(interval); } catch(e) { return String(e); } return null; } /** * Get first line of a text file. * * @param {String} filename input string filename * @param {String} encoding character encoding of file contents (optional: default=system encoding) * * @type String * @return the first line of the file or the exception message if file couldn't be read */ function readLineFromFile(filename, encoding) { var fileInputStream = null; if (!encoding) { encoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding") } try { fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(filename); var reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fileInputStream, encoding)); return reader.readLine(); } catch (e) { return String(e); } finally { if (fileInputStream != null) { fileInputStream.close(); } } } /** * Returns a string with double apostroph for a single apostrophe * * @param {String} name input string O'Donnell * * @type String * @return string like O''Donnell */ function makeSpecName(name) { return name.replace(/'/g, "''"); } /** * Get the numbers of seconds since january, 1st 1970 from a time input of the format: DD.MM.YYYY * * @param {String} time input time in one of the following formats:<br/> * se.mi.ho.dd.mm.yyyy (e.g.<br/> * YYYYMMDDHOMISE (e.g. 20020708235205) * * @type Number * @return number of seconds since 1/1/1970 */ function getUTPTime(time) { // Note(sv): The code here came mostly from the original AJC code, but I don't know why // it didn't just use SimpleDateFormat.parse(). Could probably even be rewritten in terms of native ECMAScript Date type // check the input string format var Sec, Min, H, D, M, Y; try { if(time.charAt(2) == ".") { // first we'll parse the input to get year, month // and day into seperate variables Sec = Number(time.substring(0,2)); Min = Number(time.substring(3,5)); H = Number(time.substring(6,8)); D = Number(time.substring(9,11)); M = Number(time.substring(12,14)); Y = Number(time.substring(15)); } else { Sec = Number(time.substring(12)); Min = Number(time.substring(10,12)); H = Number(time.substring(8,10)); D = Number(time.substring(6,8)); M = Number(time.substring(4,6)); Y = Number(time.substring(0,4)); } // now we'll create a new Calendar object and set it's // date, month and year properties from our parsed // input. To get a consistent date, we always set // hours, minutes and seconds to 0 // Note(sv): The above comment came from the original AJC code, but it doesn't appear to be accurate var calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); calendar.set(Y, M-1, D, H+1, Min+1, Sec+1); // the last step is to get the UTP time from the // Date object. Because the getTime() method returns // milliseconds instead of seconds, we have to devide // the rsult by 1000 and truncate it return String(Math.floor((calendar.getTime().getTime()/1000)-61)); // Note(sv): Math.abs() was used in the original AJC code, but that can't be right because the result wouldn't be useful for a negative number } catch (e) { // this will print an ugly but informational error // error message to stdout println(e) // in case somthing goes wrong, we'll return 0 // wich is 1/1/1970 return "0"; } } /** * Check if input string matches a Regular Expression. * * @param {String} str input string * @param {String} pattern the Regular Expression to match * * @type Boolean * @return true if input string matches pattern, false otherwise */ function match(str, pattern) { try { var re = new RegExp(pattern); return re.test(str); } catch (e) { return false; } } /** * Convert a Base64 encoded octet string value to an ASCII HEX string. * * @param {String} s Base64 encoded octet string * * @type String * @return ASCIIHEX string */ function octet2AsciiHex(s) { var bytes = Base64Codec.decode(s); return encodeAsciiHex(bytes); } /** * Convert a Base64 encoded GUID attribute value to an ASCII string * in the format the NDS2NDS driver uses as its association. * * @param {String} s Base64 encoded GUID attribute value * * @type String * @return ASCII string * * @throws IOException - */ function guid2Association(s) { var bytes = Base64Codec.decode(s); var s1 = encodeAsciiHex(bytes); return '{' + s1.substring(0, 8) + '-' + s1.substring(8, 12) + '-' + s1.substring(12, 16).toLowerCase() + '-' + s1.substring(16, 20) + '-' + s1.substring(20) + '}'; } /** * Get the hostname/ipaddress * * @type String * @return local hostname in format name/ipaddres */ function getHostname() { try { return java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost().toString(); } catch (uh) { return String(uh); } } /** * Convert a distinguished name in LDAP format as input (e.g. * cn=vscnw,ou=org,o=comp) and converts it to a distinguished name in * slash format (e.g. \comp\org\vscnw). * <p>Note: This came from AJC pretty much as is, but there are much better ways to perform DN * conversion that account for all the special cases using the com.novell.nds.dirxml.util.XdsDN class.</p> * * <p>Note: This preserves the original AJC behaviour where the result always starts with a backslash. * This is probably not the desired behavior, but left that way for backward compatibility.</p> * * @param {String} dn distinguished name in LDAP format * * @type String * @return distinguished name in slash format */ function dn2xml(dn, delimiter) { var xmldn = ""; if (!delimiter) { delimiter = ","; } var items = tokenize(dn , delimiter, '\\'); for (var i = items.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { xmldn = xmldn + "\\" + tokenize(items[i], '=', '\\')[1]; } return xmldn; } /** * Encodes a string using Base64 encoding. * * @param {String} str input clear text string * @param {String} encoding character encoding to convert string to bytes (optional: default=system encoding) * * @type String * @return Base64 encoded string */ function Base64encode(str, encoding) { if (!encoding) { encoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding") } return new JString(Base64Codec.encode(new JString(str).getBytes(encoding))); } /** * Decode character data encoded as Base64 encoded string. * * @param {String} b64 Base64 encoded string * @param {String} encoding character encodingto use to convert bytes to characters (optional: default=system encoding) * * @throws IOException if input string is not valid Base64 data * * @type String * @return decoded string */ function Base64decode(b64, encoding) { if (!encoding) { encoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding") } return new JString(Base64Codec.decode(b64), encoding); } /** * Execute a system command. * * @param {String} eStr command string to be executed * * @type String * @return output of the command (if any) */ function execString(eStr) { var br = null; try { var runtime = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime(); var proc = runtime.exec(eStr); br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream())); var l=""; var r=""; l = l + "RESULT: [" + proc.waitFor() + "]"; // println(l); while((l = br.readLine()) != null) { //Note(sv): original AJC behavior would exclude new lines if (r) { r += "\n"; } r += l; } return r; } catch (e) { return String(e); } finally { if (br) { br.close(); } } } /* ======================================================================== * This section contains public methods dealing with naming conversion * ======================================================================== */ /** * Convert a slash format DN (including the tree name) into an LDAP DN. * <p>We have three common cases:<br/> * a) cn=...,...,o=...<br/> * b) uid=...,...,o=... -> the first attributeName is an arbitrary string<br/> * c) arbitrary attribute names, like "ou=...,dc=...,l=...,ou=...,o=...,c=..."</p> * * <p>The cases a) and b) are only special cases of c)</p> * * <p>If the DirXML name starts with a '\' we have a tree-based DirXML name, * otherwise we only have a container based DirXML name.</p> * * <p>There are two optional parameters (type1 and type2)that specify the type qualifiers for the leaf node and for the intermediate container. * The default leaf qualifier is cn and the default container qualifier is ou. If type1 only is provided, then it becomes the leaf qualifier. * If type1 and type2 are both provided then type1 is the container qualifier and type 2 is leaf qualifier.</p> * * <p>The different meaning of type1 based on the existence of type2 is in order to maintain compatibility with the * different overloads of the function in the original AJC.</p> * * @param {String} slashDN the DN in unqualified slash form * @param {String} type1 the first type name (optional: see above description of meaning) * @param (String} type 2 the second type name (optional: see above description of meaning) * ************************************************************/ // Note(sv): the original AJC code had 3 overloads, but since ECMAscript // doesn't allow overloaded functions, the meaning of the each type parameter // changes based on how many types are specified because the original AJC adds // parameters in the middle instead of the end function xml2dn(slashDN, type1, type2) { // simple function to create a pseudo LDAP name // we assume that all container objects are from type OU // the base type and the leaf type are given as parameters var baseType = "o"; var leafType = "cn"; if (type1) { if (type2) { baseType = type1; leafType = type2; } else { leafType = type1; } } var dn = tokenize(slashDN,"\\", "'"); //strip treename if (slashDN.charAt(0) == "\\") { dn.shift(); dn.shift(); } var fdn; fdn = leafType + '=' + dn.pop() + ','; while (dn.length > 1) { fdn += "ou=" + dn.pop() + ','; } fdn += baseType + '=' + dn[0]; return fdn; } // Note(sv): didn't port XML2dn because it appears to be unfinished and not actually do anything /* // handle the general case - we use a string array for mapping the name spaces function XML2dn(String slashDN, String attributeNames) { boolean withTree = slashDN.startsWith("\\"); String fdn = ""; Vector dn = new Vector(); Vector an = new Vector(); dn = tokenize(reverseString(slashDN,"\\"),'\\'); an = tokenize(attributeNames,','); // check if xml2dn was called with an incomplete attributeNames string if (dn.size() != an.size()) { if (an.size() == 1) { // according to our definitions this can only be the attribute name of the leaf object int max = withTree ? dn.size() - 2 : dn.size() - 1; for (int i = 1; i < max; i++) an.addElement("ou"); an.addElement("o"); if (withTree) an.addElement("t"); } } // that's it... return fdn; } */ /** * Serialize a NodeSet to a String * * @param {NodeSet} nodeset nodeset to be serialized * * @type String * @return serialized NodeSet */ function NodeSetToString(nodeset) { var node = nodeset.first(); var sw = new java.io.StringWriter(); var dw = new Packages.com.novell.xml.dom.DOMWriter(node, sw); dw.write(); var str = sw.toString(); sw.close(); return str; } /** * Pad (via right justification) or truncate a String to a given length. * * @param {String} inStr string to pad/truncate * @param {String} size target size of the string * @param {String} padStr pad character * * @type String * @return padded/truncated string */ function fixLengthRight(inStr, size, padStr) { if (inStr.length >= size) { return inStr.substring(inStr.length - size, inStr.length); } else { var dest = ""; for (var i = 0; i < (size - inStr.length); i++) { dest = dest + padStr.charAt(0); } return dest + inStr; } } /** * Create a trace message * * @param {String} msg message text * * @type void */ function traceMsg(msg) { println("UTRACE: " + msg); } /** * Get current time plus a given number of seconds in the format: "YYYYMMDDhhmmss". This format is e.g. used to schedule an xdsQ-Event. * * @param {Number} secs seconds to add to current time. * * @type String * @return the future time in the format: "YYYYMMDDhhmmss" */ function xdsQschedule(secs) { var now, schedule; var Y_str, M_str, D_str, h_str, m_str, s_str; var calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); calendar.add(calendar.SECOND, secs); var Y = calendar.get(calendar.YEAR); var M = calendar.get(calendar.MONTH) + 1; var D = calendar.get(calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); var h = calendar.get(calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); var m = calendar.get(calendar.MINUTE); var s = calendar.get(calendar.SECOND); if (Y<100) { Y_str = "200" + String(Y); } else { Y_str = String(Y); } if (M<10) { M_str = "0" + String(M); } else { M_str = String(M); } if (D<10) { D_str = "0" + String(D); } else { D_str = String(D); } if (h<10) { h_str = "0" + String(h); } else { h_str = String(h); } if (m<10) { m_str = "0" + String(m); } else { m_str = String(m); } if (s<10) { s_str = "0" + String(s); } else { s_str = String(s); } return Y_str + M_str + D_str + h_str + m_str + s_str; } // Note(sv): this table used to be a 2 dimensional array, with each element having 3 strings. // The first string essentially amounted to the index and isn't really needed because // we can calculate the offest using simple math. // The third entry appeared to be not used at all but would seem to be for documentation // purposes so I changed it into a comment var BASIC_LATIN_MIN = 161; var BASIC_LATIN_MAX = 254; var latinToAscii = [ "?", // ¡ "c", // ¢ "?", // £ "?", // ¤ "Y", // ¥ "?", // ¦ "?", // § "?", // ¨ "(c)", // © "?", // ª "<<", // « "?", // ¬ "-", // ­ "(R)", // ® "?", // ¯ "?", // ° "?", // ± "2", // ² "3", // ³ "?", // ´ "u", // µ "?", // ¶ ".", // · "?", // ¸ "1", // ¹ "?", // º ">>", // » "1/4", // ¼ "1/2", // ½ "3/4", // ¾ "?", // ¿ "A", // À "A", // �? "A", // Â "A", // Ã "Ae", // Ä "A", // Å "Ae", // Æ "C", // Ç "E", // È "E", // É "E", // Ê "E", // Ë "I", // Ì "I", // �? "I", // Î "I", // �? "D", // �? "N", // Ñ "O", // Ò "O", // Ó "O", // Ô "O", // Õ "Oe", // Ö "*", // × "O", // Ø "U", // Ù "U", // Ú "U", // Û "Ue", // Ü "Y", // �? "?", // Þ "ss", // ß "a", // à "a", // á "a", // â "a", // ã "ae", // ä "a", // å "ae", // æ "c", // ç "e", // è "e", // é "e", // ê "e", // ë "i", // ì "i", // í "i", // î "i", // ï "?", // ð "n", // ñ "o", // ò "o", // ó "o", // ô "o", // õ "oe", // ö "/", // ÷ "?", // ø "u", // ù "u", // ú "u", // û "ue", // ü "y", // ý "?", // þ ]; /** * Replace extended Latin characters in string with closest ASCII equivalant. * * @param {String} input input string * * @type String * @return the input string with all special characters removed */ function interString(input) { var chars = input.split(""); for(var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { var charCode = chars[i].charCodeAt(0); if((charCode >= BASIC_LATIN_MIN) && (charCode <= BASIC_LATIN_MAX)) { chars[i] = latinToAscii[charCode - BASIC_LATIN_MIN]; } } return chars.join(""); } /** * Get a string representation of the current time (YYYYMMDDHHmmss). * * @type String * @return a string representing the current time (YYYYMMDDHHmmss) */ function getTimeString() { var oDate = new JDate(); var oString = String(oDate.getYear()+1900); if((oDate.getMonth()+1)<10) oString = oString + "0" +String(oDate.getMonth()+1); else oString = oString + String(oDate.getMonth()+1); if((oDate.getDate())<10) oString = oString + "0" +String(oDate.getDate()); else oString = oString + String(oDate.getDate()); if((oDate.getHours())<10) oString = oString + "0" +String(oDate.getHours()); else oString = oString + String(oDate.getHours()); if((oDate.getMinutes())<10) oString = oString + "0" +String(oDate.getMinutes()); else oString = oString + String(oDate.getMinutes()); if((oDate.getSeconds())<10) oString = oString + "0" +String(oDate.getSeconds()); else oString = oString + String(oDate.getSeconds()); return oString; } /** * Create a password. * * @param {String} input a string that is used to identify the output * * @type String * @return a string in the format: <PRE>passwd: input *******</PRE> */ function createPassword(input) { var oDate = new JDate(); var oString = "passwd: "+input+" "+String(oDate.getDay())+String(oDate.getMonth())+String(oDate.getHours())+String(oDate.getMinutes())+String(oDate.getSeconds()); return oString; } /** * Create a numeric password. * * @param {Number} minLength minimum length of the password * * @type String * @return a string in the format: <PRE>1234567</PRE> */ function createPassword2(minLength) { var oString = ""; var numeric; // Note(sv): following line appeared to be superfluous // int count = (int)(Math.random()*6); for (var i = 0; i < minLength; i++) { numeric = Math.floor((Math.random()*100)); oString = oString + String(numeric); } return oString; } /** * Create an alphanumeric password. * * @param {Number} minLength minimum length of the password * * @type String * @return a string in the format: <PRE>1AB2C3D</PRE> */ function createPassword3(minLength) { var oString = ""; var randchar = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; var alpha, numeric; // Note(sv): following line appeared to be superfluous // int count = (int)(Math.random()*6); for (var i = 0; i < minLength; i++) { if(Math.floor(Math.random()*2) == 1) { alpha = Math.random()*51; oString = oString + randchar.charAt(alpha); } else { numeric = Math.floor((Math.random()*100)); oString = oString + String(numeric); } } return oString; } /** * Create an alphanumeric password. * * @param {String} passwordLength length of the password * @param {Number} numOfAlphabets count of characters in the password * @param {Number} numOfDigits count of digits in the password * * @type String * @return a string in the format: <PRE>1AB2C3D</PRE> */ function createPassword4(passwordLength, numOfAlphabets, numOfDigits) { var characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; var digits = "0123456789"; if(passwordLength < (numOfAlphabets + numOfDigits)) { throw new Error(pwdExceptionMessage); } var password = []; var charLength = characters.length; var digitLength = digits.length; var pwdArrayIndex = 0; var index = 0; for(var i = 0; i < numOfAlphabets; i++) { do { pwdArrayIndex = Math.round(Math.random()*(passwordLength - 1)); } while(password[pwdArrayIndex]); index = Math.round(Math.random()*(charLength - 1)); password[pwdArrayIndex] = characters.charAt(index); } for(var i = 0; i < numOfDigits; i++) { do { pwdArrayIndex = Math.round(Math.random()*(passwordLength - 1)); } while (password[pwdArrayIndex]); index = Math.round(Math.random()*(digitLength - 1)); password[pwdArrayIndex] = digits.charAt(index); } for(var i = 0; i < passwordLength; i++) { if(!password[i]) { index = Math.round(Math.random()*(digitLength + charLength - 1)); if(index < charLength) { password[i] = characters.charAt(index); } else { password[i] = digits.charAt(index - charLength); } } } return password.join(""); } /** * Create a password. * * <p>Note(sv): This appears to be identical to createPassword(), but included * for compatibility with AJC.</p> * * @param {String} input a string that is used to identify the output * * @type String * @return a string in the format: <PRE>passwd: input *******</PRE> */ function CreatePasswd(input) { var oDate = new Date(); var oString = "passwd: "+input+" "+String(oDate.getDay())+String(oDate.getMonth())+String(oDate.getHours())+String(oDate.getMinutes())+String(oDate.getSeconds()); return oString; } /** * Send an eMail. * * @param {String} from sender address * @param {String} to recipients addresses (delimited by comma) * @param {String} subj subject * @param {String} msgText message * @param {String} host IP address of the SMTP mail host * @param {String} debugging true or false (shows a debug trace on the system console) * * @type Boolean * @return true if successful or false if it fails */ function sendMail(from, to, subj, msgText, host, debugging) { return sendMailCWithAttachment(from, to, subj, msgText, null, host, debugging, null); } /** * Send an eMail with attachment. * * <p>Note(sv): had to rename from the orginal AJC because javascript * doesn't support overloading and there is no easy way to disambiguate the parameters.</p> * * @param {String} from sender address * @param {String} to recipients addresses (delimited by comma) * @param {String} subj subject * @param {String} msgText message * @param {String} file file to attach * @param {String} host IP address of the SMTP mail host * @param {String} debugging true or false (shows a debug trace on the system console) * * @type Boolean * @return true if successful or false if it fails */ function sendMailWithAttachment(from, to, subj, msgText, file, host, debugging) { return sendMailCWithAttachment(from, to, subj, msgText, file, host, debugging, null); } /** * Send a character set encoded eMail. * * <p>Note: The character set encoding only applies to the message body.</p> * * @param {String} from sender address * @param {String} to recipients addresses (delimited by comma) * @param {String} subj subject * @param {String} msgText message * @param {String} host IP address of the SMTPa mail host * @param {String} debugging true or false (shows a debug trace on the system console) * @param {String} charSet set this to character set encoding you want to use for message body. ex: ISO-8859-1 * * @type Boolean * @return true if successful or false if it fails */ function sendMailC(from, to, subj, msgText, host, debugging, charSet) { return sendMailCWithAttachment(from, to, subj, msgText, null, host, debugging, charSet); } /** * Send a character set encoded eMail. * * <p>Note: The character set encoding only applies to the message body.</p> * * <p>Note(sv): had to rename from the orginal AJC because javascript * doesn't support overloading and there is no easy way to disambiguate the parameters.</p> * * @param {String} from sender address * @param {String} to recipients addresses (delimited by comma) * @param {String} subj subject * @param {String} msgText message * @param {String} host IP address of the SMTPa mail host * @param {String} file file to attach * @param {String} debugging true or false (shows a debug trace on the system console) * @param {String} charSet set this to character set encoding you want to use for message body. ex: ISO-8859-1 * * @type Boolean * @return true if successful or false if it fails */ function sendMailCWithAttachment(from, to, subj, msgText, file, host, debugging, charSet) { var debug = java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(debugging).booleanValue(); var status = false; var props = new java.util.Properties(System.getProperties()); props.put("mail.smtp.host", host); props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "false"); if (charSet) { props.setProperty("mail.mime.charset", charSet); } var session = Packages.javax.mail.Session.getInstance(props, null); session.setDebug(debug); try { var msg = new Packages.javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage(session); msg.setFrom(new Packages.javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress(from)); var addresses_str = to.split(','); var addresses = new java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(Packages.javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress, addresses_str.length); for (var i in addresses_str) { addresses[i] = new Packages.javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress(addresses_str[i]); } msg.setRecipients(Packages.javax.mail.Message.RecipientType.TO, addresses); msg.setSubject(subj); if (file) { var mp = new Packages.javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart(); var mbp1 = new Packages.javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart(); mbp1.setText(msgText, charSet); mp.addBodyPart(mbp1); var files = file.split(','); for (var i in files) { var attachement = new Packages.javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart(); var fds = new Packages.javax.activation.FileDataSource(files[i].toString()); attachement.setDataHandler(new Packages.javax.activation.DataHandler(fds)); attachement.setFileName(fds.getName()); mp.addBodyPart(attachement); } msg.setContent(mp); } else { msg.setText(msgText, charSet); } msg.setSentDate(new Date()); Packages.javax.mail.Transport.send(msg); status = true; } catch (e) { println("( " + e + " )"); if (e.javaException) { e.javaException.printStackTrace(); } } return status; } /** * Convert a string to pure ASCII. * * <p>Note(sv): appears to require International Components for Unicode jar file(s) available at http://icu.sourceforge.net</p> * * @param {String} s0 input string * * @type String * @return the input string converted to its closest ascii equivalent */ function makeAscii(s0) { var sDecomposed = String(Packages.com.ibm.icu.text.Normalizer.decompose(s0, false)); var sASCII = ""; for (var i = 0; i < sDecomposed.length; ++i) { if ( 0 == Packages.com.ibm.icu.lang.UCharacter.getCombiningClass(sDecomposed.charCodeAt(i)) ) { sASCII += sDecomposed.charAt(i); } } return sASCII; } /** * Convert a string to pure ASCII and remove non-alpha characters from the result * * <p>Note(sv): appears to require International Components for Unicode jar file(s) available at http://icu.sourceforge.net</p> * * @param {String} s0 input string * * @type String * @return the input string converted to its closest ascii equivalent with all non-alpha characters removed */ function makeAsciiAlpha(s0) { var sDecomposed = String(Packages.com.ibm.icu.text.Normalizer.decompose(s0, false)); var sASCII = ""; for (var i=0; i < sDecomposed.length; ++i) { var cp = Packages.com.ibm.icu.lang.UCharacter.getCodePoint(sDecomposed.charCodeAt(i)); if ( 0 == Packages.com.ibm.icu.lang.UCharacter.getCombiningClass(sDecomposed.charCodeAt(i)) ) { // only allow a-z and A-Z through if ((cp > 64 && cp < 91) || (cp > 96 && cp < 123)) { sASCII += sDecomposed.charAt(i); } } } return sASCII; } /** * Write to a log file. * * <p>Note(sv): Unlike the original AJC, this function is not thread-safe - I think this can be fixed.</p> * * @param {String} filename filename (including path) * @param {String} msg message to write to the file * @param {String} encoding string to define encoding type to be used e.g. UTF-8 * * @type String * @return the message if successful, error string otherwise */ function writeLog(filename, msg, encoding) { if (!encoding) { encoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding") } var bw = null; try { bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(filename, true),encoding)); bw.write(msg+System.getProperty("line.separator")); return msg; } catch(e) { return String(e); } finally { if (bw) { bw.flush(); bw.close(); } } } /** * Convert a string to upper case. * * @param {String} input string * * @type String * @return the input string, converted to uppercase */ function upperString(input) { return input.toUpperCase(); } /** * Replace leading spaces and changes double spaces to single space. * * <p>Example:<br> * {@code ' leading spaces' --> 'leading spaces'}<br> * {@code 'double spaces' --> 'double spaces'}<br> * {@code 'ending spaces ' --> 'ending spaces'}</p> * * <p>Note(sv): I'm not sure why this was needed in the original AJC unless the XPath function normalize-space() did * too much by converting all whitespace characters to spaces first, or the author just didn't know about it. * I left the original functionality in case that is exactly how it was intended to behave.</p> * * @param {String} input input string * * @type String * @return normalized string */ function normalizeSpace(input) { return input.replace(/(^ +)|( +$)/g, "").replace(/ +/g, " "); } /** * Convert the first character of every word in the input string to upper case. * * @param {String} input input string (string must be normalized before) * * @type String * @return string with capitalized words */ function capitalizeWords(input) { var inVector = input.split(' '); var out = ""; for ( var i = 0; i < inVector.length; i++ ) { if (i > 0) { out += " "; } out += inVector[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + inVector[i].substring(1); } return out; } /** * Convert a string to lower case. * * @param {String} input string * * @type String * @return the input string, converted to lowercase */ function lowerString(input) { return input.toLowerCase(); } /** * Create a username out of two strings (e.g. firstname and lastname) and an optional delimiter. * * @param {String} s1 first string (e.g. firstname) * @param {String} c1 how many characters should be taken * @param {String} s2 second string (e.g. lastname) * @param {String} c2 how many characters should be taken * @param {String} delimiter optional string used as a delimiter between s1 and s2. (Optional: default = no delimiter) * * @type String * @return the new created username */ function createUsername(s1, c1, s2, c2, delimiter) { return s1.substring(0, c1) + (delimiter ? delimiter : "") + s2.substring(0, c2); } /** * Convert a date from a specified input to a specified output format. * * @param {String} inDate date as a string (e.g. "01.09.2000") * @param {String} inFormat input format definition (e.g. "dd.mm.yyyy") * @param {String} outFormatString output format definition (e.g. "mm/dd/yyyy") * * @type String * @return converted date as a string (e.g. "09/01/2000") */ function convertDate(inDate, inFormat, outFormatString) { if (inDate.length==inFormat.length) { var outFormat = new java.lang.StringBuffer(outFormatString); var outDate = ""; var y = ""; var m = ""; var d = ""; inDate = inDate.toLowerCase(); inFormat = inFormat.toLowerCase(); var inyLength = patternCount(inFormat.toLowerCase(), "y"); var inmLength = patternCount(inFormat.toLowerCase(), "m"); var indLength = patternCount(inFormat.toLowerCase(), "d"); y = inDate.substring(inFormat.toLowerCase().indexOf('y'), inFormat.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('y') + 1); m = inDate.substring(inFormat.toLowerCase().indexOf('m'), inFormat.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('m') + 1); d = inDate.substring(inFormat.toLowerCase().indexOf('d'), inFormat.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('d') + 1); var outyLength = patternCount(outFormat.toString().toLowerCase(), "y"); var outmLength = patternCount(outFormat.toString().toLowerCase(), "m"); var outdLength = patternCount(outFormat.toString().toLowerCase(), "d"); outDate = outFormat.replace(outFormat.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('y'), outFormat.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('y') + outyLength, y).replace(outFormat.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('m'), outFormat.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('m') + outmLength, m).replace(outFormat.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('d'), outFormat.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf('d') + outdLength, d).toString(); return String(outDate); } else { return "#ERROR!: Your input date has not the format specified by your input format."; } } /** * Get the prefix of a dn. * * @param {String} input complete dn as a string (e.g. "\CUSTOM-TREE\Test\Username") * @param {String} delim delimiter to search for (e.g. "\") * * @type String * @return prefix of the input dn (e.g. "\CUSTOM-TREE\Test") */ function getPrefix(input, delim) { return (input.lastIndexOf(delim) == -1 ? "" : input.substring(0, input.lastIndexOf(delim))); } /** * Get the suffix of a dn. * * @param {String} input complete dn as a string (e.g. "\CUSTOM-TREE\Test\Username") * @param {String} delim delimiter to search for (e.g. "\") * * @type String * @return prefix of the input dn (e.g. "\CUSTOM-TREE\Test") */ function getSuffix(input, delim) { return (input.lastIndexOf(delim) == -1 ? "" : input.substring(1+ input.lastIndexOf(delim))); } /** * Get a substring of a string. * * @param {String} input a string (e.g. "ABC-String-N1") * @param {Number} start the starting point in the string (e.g. 2) * @param {Number} end the end point in the string (e.g. 5) * * @type String * @return the substring (e.g. "C-S") */ function getSubstring(input , start, end) { var out; if(start <= input.length) if(input.length >= end) out = input.substring(start,end); else out = input; else out=""; return out; } /** * Count the occurrences of a string pattern in a string. * * @param {String} input Input string to search in. * @param {String} pattern Pattern to search for. * * @type Number * @return Occurrences of pattern in string. */ function patternCount(input, pattern) { var repeat = true; var counter = 0; var buffer = -1; while ( repeat ) { buffer = input.indexOf(pattern, buffer + 1); if ( buffer + 1 != 0 ) { counter++; } else { repeat = false; } } return counter; } /** * Create a string with a fixed length. * * <p>This can be useful e.g. when creating an export file using the * FlatFile driver when you need a fixed field length.</p> * * @param {String} input Input string * @param {Number} len Desired length * @param {String} pad pad character (Optional: default = space) * * @type String * @return A string with fixed length either cut or filled with pad. */ function fixLength(input, len, pad) { var out = ""; if ( input.length == len ) { out = input; } else if ( input.length > len ) { out = input.substring(0,len); } else { if (!pad) { pad = " " } else { pad = pad.charAt(0); } out = input.split(""); while (out.length < len) { out.push(pad); } out = out.join(""); } return out; } /** * Replace all instances of a character in a string. * * @param {String} inString any string (e.g. "user.test") * @param {String} oldChar character (e.g. ".") * @param {String} newChar character (e.g. "/") * * @type String * @return converted string (e.g. "user/test") */ function replaceChar(inString, oldChar, newChar) { return inString.replace(oldChar.charAt(0), newChar.charAt(0), "g"); } /** * Remove all instances of character from a string. * * @param {String} inString any string (e.g. "user.test") * @param {String} oldChar character (e.g. ".") * * @type String * @return converted string (e.g. "usertest") */ function removeChar(inString, oldChar) { return inString.replace(oldChar.charAt(0), "", "g"); } /** * Remove apostrophe characters from a string. * * @param {String} inString any string (e.g. "user\'test") * * @type String * @return converted string (e.g. "usertest") */ function removeApostrophe(inString) { return removeChar(inString,"'"); } /** * Remove double-quote characters from a string. * * @param {String} inString any string (e.g. "user\"test") * * @type String * @return converted string (e.g. "usertest") */ function removeQuote(inString) { return removeChar(inString,'"'); } /** * Remove lesser-than characters from a string. * * @param {String} inString any string (e.g. "<name>") * * @type String * @return converted string (e.g. "name>") */ function removeLesser(inString) { return removeChar(inString,'<'); } /** * Remove greater-than characters from a string. * * @param {String} inString any string (e.g. "<name>") * * @type String * @return converted string (e.g. "<name") */ function removeGreater(inString) { return removeChar(inString,'>'); } /** * Replace all instances of a String within a string. * * @param {String} inString any string (e.g. "\PROD-TEST\All Users") * @param {String} oldString any string (e.g. "\PROD-TEST") * @param {String} newString character (e.g. "\TEST-PROD") * * @type String * @return converted string (e.g. "\TEST-PROD\All Users") */ function replaceString(inString, oldString, newString) { return inString.replace(oldString, newString, "g"); } /** * Reverse order of words in a string. * * @param {String} inString any string (e.g. "user/test/org") * @param {String} delimiter (e.g. "/") * * @type String * @return converted string (e.g. "org/test/user") */ function reverseString(inString, delimiter) { return inString.split(delimiter.charAt(0)).reverse().join(delimiter.charAt(0)); } /* ======================================================================== * This section contains public methods dealing with date/time conversion * ======================================================================== */ /** * Convert a date between locales. * * <p>This method takes a date string as input. The country specific format is * given by the ISO-code fromLC. It will be converted to country specific * format specified by toLC.</p> * * <p>Note(sv): The arguments of this function are a little bit funky because their were * two overloads of this function in the original AJC. Note that the optional argument is not at the end.</p> * * @param {String} ds DateString * @param {Number} style FULL = 0, 1 = LONG, 2 = MEDIUM, 3 = SHORT (optional: default = SHORT) * @param {String} fromLC Source Country * @param {String} toLC destination Country * * @type String * @return DateString in destination Country syntax **/ function convertDateBetweenLocales(ds, style, fromLC, toLC) { if (!toLC) { toLC = fromLC; fromLC = style; style = DateFormat.SHORT; } return convertTimeOrDate(false, style, ds, fromLC, toLC); } /** * Convert a time between locales. * * <p>This method takes a time string as input. The country specific format is * given by the ISO-code fromLC. It will be converted to country specific * format specified by toLC, using the date style SHORT.</p> * * * <p>Note(sv): The arguments of this function are a little bit funky because their were * two overloads of this function in the original AJC. Note that the optional argument is not at the end.</p> * * @param {String} ts TimeString * @param {Number} style FULL = 0, 1 = LONG, 2 = MEDIUM, 3 = SHORT (optional: default = SHORT) * @param {String} fromLC Source Country Code * @param {String} toLC Destination Country Code * * @type String * @return DateString in destination Country syntax **/ function convertTimeBetweenLocales(ts, style, fromLC, toLC) { if (!toLC) { toLC = fromLC; fromLC = style; style = DateFormat.SHORT; } return convertTimeOrDate(true, style, ds, fromLC, toLC); } /** * Convert a date or time between locales. * * @private * * @param {Boolean} useTime true to convert time, false to convert date * @param {Number} style FULL = 0, 1 = LONG, 2 = MEDIUM, 3 = SHORT (optional: default = SHORT) * @param {String} ds DateString or TimeString * @param {String} fromLC Source Country Code * @param {String} toLC Destination Country Code * * @type String * @return DateString or TimeString in destination Country syntax **/ function convertTimeOrDate(useTime, style, ds, fromLC, toLC) { var fLC = new java.util.Locale("",fromLC); var tLC = new java.util.Locale("",toLC); // println("simpleDateFormat: flC.getDisplayName: " + fLC.getDisplayName()); // println("simpleDateFormat: tlC.getDisplayName: " + tLC.getDisplayName()); var fDF = useTime ? DateFormat.getTimeInstance(style, fLC) : DateFormat.getDateInstance(style, fLC); var tDF = useTime ? DateFormat.getTimeInstance(style, tLC) : DateFormat.getDateInstance(style, fLC); try { return tDF.format(fDF.parse(ds)); } catch (e) { println("Unable to parse " + ds); return ""; } } /** * Convert a date+time between locales. * * <p>This method takes a date+time string as input. The country specific format is * given by the ISO-code fromLC. It will be converted to country specific * format specified by toLC.</p> * * <p>Note(sv): The arguments of this function are a little bit funky because their were * two overloads of this function in the original AJC. Note that the optional argument is not at the end.</p> * * @param {String} ds DateTimeString * @param {Number} style FULL = 0, 1 = LONG, 2 = MEDIUM, 3 = SHORT (optional: default = SHORT) * @param {String} fromLC Source Country * @param {String} toLC destination Country * * @type String * @return DateTimeString in destination Country syntax **/ function convertTimeDateBetweenLocales(ds, style, fromLC, toLC) { if (!toLC) { toLC = fromLC; fromLC = style; style = DateFormat.SHORT; } var fLC = new java.util.Locale("",fromLC); var tLC = new java.util.Locale("",toLC); var fDF = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(style, style, fLC); var tDF = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(style, style, tLC); try { return tDF.format(fDF.parse(ds)); } catch (e) { println("Unable to parse " + ds); return ""; } } /** * Convert a DateTime string from the a given locales SHORT format to yyyyMMddHHmmssZ. * * <p>This method takes a date string as input. The country specific format is * given by the ISO-code fromLC. It will be converted to eDirectory Syntax * yyyyMMddHHmmssZ.</p> * * @param {String} ds DateString (e.g. "2004.12.08") * @param {String} fromLC Source Country (e.g. "US") * * @type String * @return DateString in destination Country syntax **/ function convertDateToDirFormat(ds, fromLC) { return simpleDateFormat(ds, fromLC, "yyyyMMddHHmmss"); } /** * Convert a DateTime string from the a given locales SHORT format to a custom format. * * <p>This method expects a SHORT date string as input. The country specific format is * given by the ISO-code fromLC. It will be converted to an arbitrary syntax, * given by parameter 'format'.</p> * * @param ds DateString (e.g. "2004.12.08") * @param fromLC Source Country (e.g. "US") * @param format format string for Date/Time formatter (e.g. "yyyyMMddHHmmss") * @return DateString in destination Country syntax **/ function simpleDateFormat(ds, fromLC, format) { var fLC = new java.util.Locale("", fromLC); println("simpleDateFormat: flC.getDisplayName: " + fLC.getDisplayName()); var fDF = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, fLC); try { var d = fDF.parse(ds); var formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(format); return formatter.format(fDF.parse(ds)); } catch (e) { println("simpleDateFormat(" + ds + "," + fromLC + "," + format + "): Unable to parse "); return ""; } } /* ======================================================================== * private methods ** ======================================================================== */ /** * add tokenizer method to honour an escape character in source data * @private */ function tokenize(source, delimiter, escapeChar) { var dest = []; // prepare the destination array if (source && source.length != 0) { var st = source.split(delimiter); var re; if (escapeChar) { re = new RegExp("\\" + escapeChar.charAt(0) + "+$"); } while (st.length) { var token = st.shift(); // Note(sv): the algorithm for handling escape characters from the original AJC and was not robust enough // because it wouln't handle the case where the escape character before the delimiter was itself escaped if (re && re.test(token) && (RegExp.lastMatch.length & 1)) { token = token + delimiter + st.shift(); } dest.push(token); } } return dest; // deliver the result } /** * @private */ function dump(data) { var line = ""; for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { line += " " + hex(data[i]); if(((i + 1) % 8) == 0) { println(line); line = ""; } } if(line.length() > 0) { println(line); } } var digits = [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F" ]; var binToAscii = [ '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' ]; var asciiToBinLo = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ]; var asciiToBinHi = [ 0, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 160, 176, 192, 208, 224, 240 ]; /** * @private */ function hex(data) { var digit1 = (data >>> 4) & 0xf; var digit2 = data & 0xf; return digits[digit1] + digits[digit2]; } /** * @private */ function decodeAsciiHex(s) { s = s.toUpperCase(); var i = s.length; var abyte0 = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(java.lang.Byte.TYPE, i / 2);; var j = 0; for(var k = 0; k < i; k += 2) { var xxx = asciiToBinHi[s.charCodeAt(k) - 48] + asciiToBinLo[s.charCodeAt(k + 1) - 48]; if (xxx > 127) { xxx -= 256; } abyte0[j++] = xxx; } return abyte0; } /** * @private */ function encodeAsciiHex(abyte0) { var buffer = ""; for(var i = 0; i < abyte0.length; i++) { var byte0 = abyte0[i]; buffer += binToAscii[byte0 >> 4 & 0xf]; buffer += binToAscii[byte0 & 0xf]; } return buffer; }